Past Seminars

Here is the list of our past seminars:

Emmanuel Beaurepaire (Lab for optics and biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS - Emmanuel Beaurepaire (LOB, Ecole Polytechnique)

Friday 9 February 2018 from 13:00 to 14:00 - Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Nonlinear optical microscopy of developing and brain tissue

Modern issues in developmental biology and in neuroscience often require tissue-scale measurements of multiple cell parameters. Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy is a key technique for tissue studies with its ability to provide subcellular resolution in thick/live samples. However in practice, current methods are still limited in terms of their imaging speed, accessible depth, non-toxicity, and ability to probe multiple parameters.
We will present some ongoing developments aiming at addressing the issues mentioned above: efficient combination of fluorescence with harmonics contrasts [1,2], multicolor two-photon excitation and its application to 'brainbow'-labelled tissues [3,4], parallelization through light-sheet excitation [5,6], three-photon excitation [7]. We will discuss the application of these advances in developmental biology (embryo and brain development) and in biomedical studies.

Some references:
[1] Olivier, Science (2010). [2] Genthial, Sci Rep (2017). [3] Mahou, Nat Methods (2012). [4] Stringari, Sci Rep (2017). [5] Mahou, Nat Methods (2014). [6] Wolf, Nat Methods (2015). [7] Guesmi, Abdeladim, Light Sci App (in press).

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Emmanuel Beaurepaire (Lab for optics and biosciences, Ecole Polytechnique). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS - Emmanuel Beaurepaire (LOB, Ecole Polytechnique)

Friday 9 February 2018 from 13:00 to 14:00 - Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Nonlinear optical microscopy of developing and brain tissue

Modern issues in developmental biology and in neuroscience often require tissue-scale measurements of multiple cell parameters. Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy is a key technique for tissue studies with its ability to provide subcellular resolution in thick/live samples. However in practice, current methods are still limited in terms of their imaging speed, accessible depth, non-toxicity, and ability to probe multiple parameters.
We will present some ongoing developments aiming at addressing the issues mentioned above: efficient combination of fluorescence with harmonics contrasts [1,2], multicolor two-photon excitation and its application to 'brainbow'-labelled tissues [3,4], parallelization through light-sheet excitation [5,6], three-photon excitation [7]. We will discuss the application of these advances in developmental biology (embryo and brain development) and in biomedical studies.

Some references:
[1] Olivier, Science (2010). [2] Genthial, Sci Rep (2017). [3] Mahou, Nat Methods (2012). [4] Stringari, Sci Rep (2017). [5] Mahou, Nat Methods (2014). [6] Wolf, Nat Methods (2015). [7] Guesmi, Abdeladim, Light Sci App (in press).

Seminar archive  (219)


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