Past Seminars

Here is the list of our past seminars:

Jean Leon Maitre (GDB, Institut Curie). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS - Olivia Du Roure

Mechanics of blastocyst morphogenesis

During pre-implantation development, the mammalian embryos forms the blastocyst, the structure that will implant into the uterus. Consisting of an epithelium enveloping a fluid-filled cavity and the inner cell mass, the blastocyst is sculpted by a succession of morphogenetic events. These deformations result from the changes in the forces and mechanical properties of the tissue composing the embryo. Using microaspiration, live-imaging, genetics and theoretical modelling, we study the biophysical and cellular changes leading to the formation of the blastocyst. In particular, we uncover the crucial role of acto-myosin myosin contractility, which generates periodic waves of contractions, compacts the embryo, controls the position of cells within the embryo and influences fate specification.

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Jean Leon Maitre (GDB, Institut Curie). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS - Olivia Du Roure

Mechanics of blastocyst morphogenesis

During pre-implantation development, the mammalian embryos forms the blastocyst, the structure that will implant into the uterus. Consisting of an epithelium enveloping a fluid-filled cavity and the inner cell mass, the blastocyst is sculpted by a succession of morphogenetic events. These deformations result from the changes in the forces and mechanical properties of the tissue composing the embryo. Using microaspiration, live-imaging, genetics and theoretical modelling, we study the biophysical and cellular changes leading to the formation of the blastocyst. In particular, we uncover the crucial role of acto-myosin myosin contractility, which generates periodic waves of contractions, compacts the embryo, controls the position of cells within the embryo and influences fate specification.

Seminar archive  (219)


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