Past Seminars

Here is the list of our past seminars:

Quantitative biology on cells using microfluidic arrays. Charles Baroud (Polytechnique & Institut Pasteur). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS.

Friday 13 January 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ESPCI, Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Quantitative measurements on single cells are typically performed through flow cytometry, which yields high throughput data but only at a single instant on individualised cells. This leaves many unmet needs, such as following cell fate in time, looking at interactions between cells, or relating the cell behavior with its position within a tissue. In this seminar I will describe a microfluidic platform that answers these needs for a wide range of cell types and culture conditions. I will first describe the platform and the underlying fluid physics. Then I will show how it can be used for cytometry, on 3D mammalian cell cultures, or for quantitative microbiology. Finally I will show some preliminary biological results that we are obtaining from this approach.

Recent seminars  (0)

Quantitative biology on cells using microfluidic arrays. Charles Baroud (Polytechnique & Institut Pasteur). Biophysics Seminar ESPCI-ENS.

Friday 13 January 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ESPCI, Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Quantitative measurements on single cells are typically performed through flow cytometry, which yields high throughput data but only at a single instant on individualised cells. This leaves many unmet needs, such as following cell fate in time, looking at interactions between cells, or relating the cell behavior with its position within a tissue. In this seminar I will describe a microfluidic platform that answers these needs for a wide range of cell types and culture conditions. I will first describe the platform and the underlying fluid physics. Then I will show how it can be used for cytometry, on 3D mammalian cell cultures, or for quantitative microbiology. Finally I will show some preliminary biological results that we are obtaining from this approach.

Seminar archive  (275)


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How master regulators coordinate antibiotic resistance without sacrificing downstream specialization

Invited Speaker: Nicholas Rossi (University of Vermont). How master regulators coordinate antibiotic resistance without sacrificing downstream (…) 

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This weekly seminar aims at gathering researcher form different thematics (physicists, biologists and chemists) and from different institutes in (…) 

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