Past Seminars

Here is the list of our past seminars:

Shelly Tzlil (Technnion, Israël). Biophysics seminar ENS-ESPCI. - Shelly Tzlil (Technnion, Israël)

Friday 16 June 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ESPCI, Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Title and abstract to be announced

Recent seminars  (0)

Shelly Tzlil (Technnion, Israël). Biophysics seminar ENS-ESPCI. - Shelly Tzlil (Technnion, Israël)

Friday 16 June 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 - ESPCI, Amphi Urbain, Ground Floor, Staircase N

Title and abstract to be announced

Seminar archive  (219)


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Justo grâvida vel facîlisis çurcus porta non dapidûs c’est dictumst sét vel pulvîar vulputate orci sét litoré, aliquet classé lacus facîlisis pérès £at (...) 

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This weekly seminar aims at gathering researcher form different thematics (physicists, biologists and chemists) and from different institutes in (...) 

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